Updated: December, 2023
Work in progress:
1. Pollution Mitigation and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms, with Gautam Gowrisankaran, Michael Greenstone, Ali Hortaçsu, Mengdi Liu and Bing Zhang
2. The Value of Time: Welfare Gain from Vertical Integration in Airline Industry
1. Pollution Mitigation and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms, with Gautam Gowrisankaran, Michael Greenstone, Ali Hortaçsu, Mengdi Liu and Bing Zhang
2. The Value of Time: Welfare Gain from Vertical Integration in Airline Industry
Working papers:
1. The Dynamic Inefficiency in Resource Allocation: Evidence from Vehicle License Lotteries in Beijing, with Youming Liu and Shanjun Li, NBER working paper 26904, October 2023. Revise and Resubmit at Rand Journal of Economics.
2. Bottleneck Co-ownership as A Regulatory Alternative: Evidence from Airline Industry, August 2023. Revise and Resubmit at Canadian Journal of Economics.
3. Tacit Collusion and Resale Price Maintenance: Evidence from an Antitrust Enforcement in China, with Chun-Yu Ho
1. The Dynamic Inefficiency in Resource Allocation: Evidence from Vehicle License Lotteries in Beijing, with Youming Liu and Shanjun Li, NBER working paper 26904, October 2023. Revise and Resubmit at Rand Journal of Economics.
2. Bottleneck Co-ownership as A Regulatory Alternative: Evidence from Airline Industry, August 2023. Revise and Resubmit at Canadian Journal of Economics.
3. Tacit Collusion and Resale Price Maintenance: Evidence from an Antitrust Enforcement in China, with Chun-Yu Ho
4. Comparison between Uniform Tariff and Progressive Consumption Tax in the Chinese Automobile Industry, with Xiaolan Zhou, Yanfei Wang and Junji Xiao, Journal of Industrial Economics, May 2021.
3. Intimidation: Linking Negotiation and Conflict, with Sambuddha Ghosh and Gabriele Gratton, International Economic Review, November 2019.
2. The Effects of Major U.S. Domestic Airline Code Sharing and Profit-Sharing Rule, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Featured Article, March 2017.
1. Code-sharing and Merger: Continental, Delta and Northwest, Frontiers of Economics in China, December 2015, Volume 10 Issue 4.
4. Comparison between Uniform Tariff and Progressive Consumption Tax in the Chinese Automobile Industry, with Xiaolan Zhou, Yanfei Wang and Junji Xiao, Journal of Industrial Economics, May 2021.
3. Intimidation: Linking Negotiation and Conflict, with Sambuddha Ghosh and Gabriele Gratton, International Economic Review, November 2019.
2. The Effects of Major U.S. Domestic Airline Code Sharing and Profit-Sharing Rule, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Featured Article, March 2017.
1. Code-sharing and Merger: Continental, Delta and Northwest, Frontiers of Economics in China, December 2015, Volume 10 Issue 4.
1. NSFC 2015-2017: An Investigation on Resale Price Maintenance issues in China's Anti-monopoly Law, 220K RMB
2. University Level: China's anti-monopoly law and competition policy, 30K RMB
3. NSF 2018-2021 (Collaborator): Pollution Mitigation and Productivity in Developing Countries, #1824348, $202,831.00
1. University Level 2012-2014: Excellence Teaching Award on "Introduction to Industrial Organization" & "Intermediate Microeconomics" 40K RMB
2. Shanghai Province Level 2013-2015: Excellence Teaching Award on "Introduction to Industrial Organization" 40K RMB + 60 Textbooks
1. NSFC 2015-2017: An Investigation on Resale Price Maintenance issues in China's Anti-monopoly Law, 220K RMB
2. University Level: China's anti-monopoly law and competition policy, 30K RMB
3. NSF 2018-2021 (Collaborator): Pollution Mitigation and Productivity in Developing Countries, #1824348, $202,831.00
1. University Level 2012-2014: Excellence Teaching Award on "Introduction to Industrial Organization" & "Intermediate Microeconomics" 40K RMB
2. Shanghai Province Level 2013-2015: Excellence Teaching Award on "Introduction to Industrial Organization" 40K RMB + 60 Textbooks